Meet the Team

NSF's Convergence Accelerator highlights the importance of diverse teams coming together to find innovative solutions for all. Our team consists of different industry and technical expertise as well as people with disabilities. We look forward to continuing learning and growing with you to build a more equitable society for all. Thank you for your interest and support in our project.

Dr. Vinod Namboodiri

Professor, College of Health and Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science, Lehigh University

Dr. Nils Hakansson

Associate Professor in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Wichita State University

Nionila Ivanova

Founder & CEO, IT Creative Labs LLC

Dr. Ted Conway

Research Professor, Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences, Florida Atlantic University

Dr. Siny Joseph

Professor of Economics, Kansas State University

Patricio Vela

Dr. Patricio Vela

Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Monica H. Kang

Founder & CEO, InnovatorsBox | Author of Rethink Creativity